Mostly just a frustrated witch's cursings. Don't worry not hexes here. Just a lot of broken links and wasted time.
Okay so -
The thing about having ADHD that is so frustrating, and also secretly it's superpower...
I mean - it is certainly a superpower because thanks to the little phenomena of 'time-blindness' ... if you're knee deep into a hobby, literally HOURS can go by without you noticing. You're ADHD-ing SO HARD into whatever new shiny object you've focused on that hunger, thirst and other bodily functions seem to understand they need to cease all activity. However, needless to say - it is wildly impractical!
I say this for 2 main reasons:
AND THIS IS WHY - as the title of this short blog post indicates.... I wish I had a magic wand to fix my website. I've been wanting a formal website for about a year. I finally went ahead and 'invested' on both the domain, the Webflow editor and the hosting packages, etc. I made these purchases with 'profits' from some of the services that I offer, so I could have a more formal area where people interested in what I do, and what I am passionate about teaching - can easily find me and all of the free resources I provide. However, like most things that are related to business - things are quite expensive and the tools to "just get started" come with a ton of hidden or unexpected costs to the new entrepreneur. In this particular 'website' case - SETTING UP the website itself is incredibly pricey - no matter which way I try to slice or dice it. It will either cost me hours upon hours of fidgeting to perfection as an inexperienced designer. . . or it could cost me a small fortune to pay a well-established professional to pump it out in 2 weeks time. Sure a couple grand may not seem like a huge investment to some, but to a business that is just getting started and still operating at a net loss.... It is a tough pill to swallow.
Just so there is no misinterpretation - this is a rant, but it is in no way a complaint!
I know that anything worth doing is typically not easy in the first place. I know that everything will fall into place given enough time, energy and resources. I know the cardinal rule of "You have 3, but can only choose 2".... Fast, Good Quality, Cheap. PICK TWO. . . So for now, I am trying my best to put together a website that is of decent quality with the limited financial resources available as I aim to stick to using only resources that were generated through the business itself. In a very real way, I've put some of the barriers up myself. :) But I would like to think that I have done this out of financial diligence as a grown 35 year old woman that has perfected the craft of 'delayed gratification'. I know I am capable of learning how to use webflow - I mean I've done quite a bit of work myself (THANK YOU NO-CODING PLATFORMS), and also with the help of a great graphic designer that has been helping me through my initial branding as well as setting up some of the pages of this website. I know that if I am patient- I can get this website to a place where it is 'useable and presentable' without throwing 3-6k on it.
And yet - my hyperfixation can only take me so far. Some days I will sit here for 4-6 hours, trying to learn as much as I possible can... Enjoying it on some level.... trial and error... stumbling my way through this "piece" that I feel that I need to somehow legitimize my business. Otherdays, I feel completely burnout, and my hyperfixation decides to take me into a completely different direction. Like the weekend where i got the idea to start a podcast, and literally published one within 3 days of the original idea. LOL....
Unfortunately, I do not have a magic wand for this particularly muggle issue. I think I will simply try to manifest a fan that knows webflow and wants to help a witch out?